We are planning for the future with a balanced four-year budget and are refreshing our strategic plans to reflect our big ambitions for the borough and to address the financial challenges we are all facing.
We are the third largest unitary authority in the North West of England, serving an estimated population of 398,800, and our c3,500 strong workforce provides more than 500 services.
Our annual revenue budget for services is around £350 million (excluding schools funding). In addition, we have plans to invest more than £1 billion in major capital projects for the future, such as roads, town centre regeneration, infrastructure and schools.
We are ambitious for the future, while learning from our past and respecting our shared history and local heritage.
The council was formed during the 2009 Local Government Reorganisation. It has a membership of 82 councillors, representing 52 wards, with a Labour/Independent joint administration. In May 2021, the council moved to a committee system of decision making.
We work closely with a wide range of other organisations in the public, private and voluntary, community faith and enterprise (VCFSE) sectors to deliver our priorities.
We have set one of the most ambitious targets in the country to become a carbon neutral council by 2025.
The council has also signed up to UK100 and we are committed to making the borough carbon neutral by 2045.
While much of Cheshire East is affluent, enjoying a good standard of living, we do have pockets of deprivation with stark differences in life expectancy and outcomes. We are working hard to tackle inequalities in the borough.